Mobility and Logistics
Mobility and logistics are crucial tools for economic and social development, but in many parts of Africa, infrastructure is seriously lacking. People spend far too much time and money getting from point A to B – which also limits access to employment, education, healthcare, and other essentials. There is, however, vast potential to meet Africa’s transport needs by embracing digital solutions. With this in mind, Goodwell invests in safe, affordable transport and delivery innovations for low-income consumers and small businesses, ensuring everyone can easily access the products and services they need.

Making transport safe and affordable
With an urban population of approximately 40% and rural-urban migration steadily rising, Africa’s mobility sector is ripe for growth. We want to reduce travel time, lower costs, and promote safe transportation for everyone, no matter where they live. Goodwell invests in companies that provide all these benefits, while also creating jobs for drivers and couriers.

Bringing products closer to consumers
Many people across Africa make long journeys – often on foot – to get basic household items. We invest in last-mile logistics that fill this mobility gap: people can simply place an order online or via an agent and have it delivered close to home instead of travelling to the nearest city. Businesses can reach new audiences, and consumers save valuable time and money.

Improving access and efficiency with tech
Tech-driven solutions can improve transport efficiency and availability while reducing costs for both businesses and consumers. Goodwell invests in companies that develop the digital platforms needed to coordinate vehicles and routes, hail rides, share public transport info, and enable people to place orders via their phones.

Powering a green transition
Using technology to assist in transporting people and goods also comes with environmental benefits: it helps to increase efficiency, reducing fuel consumption and associated pollution. Goodwell also targets companies that will power the green energy transition, supporting our vision of efficient transport running on more sustainable energy sources.

Do you want to know more about Mobility and Logistics? Contact Karyn Munyengeterwa