Invest with impact
Creating a more inclusive economy, one investment at a time

We invest in companies that uplift communities
“Do well by doing good”: this is the founding principle that shapes Goodwell’s entire investment philosophy. Our funds support entrepreneurs delivering essential goods and services to un(der)served populations and building an inclusive economy in their communities, countries, and continent. We maximise the social and financial impact of every investment we make by focussing on innovative, fast-growing, local companies.
Introducing uMunthu II, Goodwell’s latest fund
uMunthu II is our most ambitious fund to date, raising EUR 150 million to expand our support for small and medium-sized African businesses making a social impact.
A collaborative approach with meaningful returns
An inclusive society means no one is left behind. At Goodwell, we invest in innovative companies providing basic goods and services to those who need it most. By providing private equity to scalable companies in their early growth stage, we’re enabling them to maximise their impact. To date, our 36 portfolio companies provided EUR 2.5 billion worth of financial services to more than 30 million households, created over 35,000 jobs, and reached communities across 47 countries.